Would you please turn down ____ music?
Will you have a dinner with me?
have dinner
My favorite flower is ___ rose.
the ('a' is also acceptable)
•What was the first antibiotic discovered and by whom?
A.Penicillin: Discovered by Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin. He noticed that a fungus called Penicillium notatum inhibited bacterial growth
B.Prontosil: Discovered by A research team led by Gerhard Domagk developed Prontosil
C.Salvarsan: Discovered by Paul Ehrlich created Salvarsan to treat syphilis caused by Treponema pallidum.
A.Penicillin: Discovered by Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin. He noticed that a fungus called Penicillium notatum inhibited bacterial growth
What ___ nice jacket!
We need to buy new television
a/the new television
I will see ___ movie with you, on one condition:
___ movie must not be a romantic comedy!
a, the
True or false
Dolphins use toxic pufferfish to ‘get high’. Dolphins deliberately handle pufferfish causing them to release toxins as a defense mechanism. These toxins can be deadly in high doses, but also have a narcotic effect – and are a powerful hallucinogenic, which dolphins appear to enjoy.
He goes to ___ university, I don't know which
I love the rock music; my favorite group is Beatles.
love rock, the Beatles
I need ___ information about ___ hotel, before I go on holiday.
no article, the
Fill in the blanks
I'm interested in ___ finance of Europe. I heard___ euro is losing value, compared to ____ US dollar.
the, the, the
My favorite team is ___ Chicago Bulls, but my brother is ___ fan of the Boston Celtics.
the, a
Seoul is largest city in Korea.
"the largest"
Bob went to ___ capital of Australia to visit his brother.
How tall was benito juarez?
1.37 meters
___ sun is shining brightly today, I don't need ___ umbrella.
the, an
We wanted to go to movies, but instead we stayed home and watched the Netflix.
the movies, watched Netflix
I like ___ salt on my food, so could you please pass ___ salt?
-, the
How many hours does your vocablo contract has?