Practice and Think
Think of 3 words that have your sound. Then say each word in 3 different sentences
Holiday Break Fun
Tell me 3 things you did over winter break
Adults Should Know....
What is something that you wish adults knew about you/or knew about being a kid in general. Why?
I wish they knew...
What do you wish adults knew about kids?
Is there something adults do that annoys you /frustrates you?
Read Me!
Ask Ms Pratt for a passage to read.
Apple of my eye
Who is someone you respect/admire? Tell us why.
Set the scene
I'm Awesome (Duh)
Tell us something that you like about yourself
Time for a trip..
if you could vacation anywhere that you haven't been, where would you go?
Peer Practice
Pick 5 target words from the card deck, choose someone in the group to practice the words with (say each word 5 times)
Sticker time
I hear some people in this group like Stickers. Tell me about your favorite animal and earn an animal sticker.
If you were the principal
what would you do if you could be the principal for a day?
Proud Like a Lion
The last time I felt proud was when_________.
I wonder why..
Ask someone in the group a "why" questions about themselves to get to know them better.
Animal Connections
Think of the name of an Animal that contains your target sound. Then tell us what you know about that animal.
Friends are...
Tell me 3 things you look for when meeting friends.
Animals and Me
If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why (2 reasons)?
Rapid Fire
Name Association Game:
The word is Run. Let's take turns thinking of other words that start with /R/. Each person gets 3 seconds. If you can't think of a word in 3 seconds then the other people in the group get your points.
Small Medium Big
Give me an example of a small, medium and big problem.
Tell me...
What are your favorite things to do during speech?
Complete the sentence:
My friends and family would say I'm____________________.
Complete the sentence
when I have a snow day and get to stay home from school, I like to_____________.
Ask us
Ask someone in the group a why Question about themselves.
Example: "Why do you think we have to wait until the age of 16 to get a drivers license?"
Lets game!
Tell me 2 things about your favovrite video game using your best articulation of /S/ and /R/.