Practice and Think
Think of 3 words that have your sound. Then say each word in 3 different sentences
Holiday Break Fun
Tell me 3 things you did over winter break
Adults Should Know....
What is something that you wish adults knew about you/or knew about being a kid in general. Why?
Read Me!
Ask Ms Pratt for a passage to read.
Apple of my eye
Who is someone you respect/admire? Tell us why.
Set the scene
I'm Awesome (Duh)
Tell us something that you like about yourself
Peer Practice
Pick 5 target words from the card deck, choose someone in the group to practice the words with (say each word 5 times)
New Year Resolutions..
What is a goal you have this year?
If you were the principal
what would you do if you could be the principal for a day?
Proud Like a Lion
The last time I felt proud was when_________.
Animal Connections
Think of the name of an Animal that contains your target sound. Then tell us what you know about that animal.
Friends are...
Tell me 3 things you look for when meeting friends.
Animals and Me
If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why (2 reasons)?
Rapid Fire
Name Association Game:
The word is Run. Let's take turns thinking of other words that start with /R/. Each person gets 3 seconds. If you can't think of a word in 3 seconds then the other people in the group get your points.
Tell me...
What are your favorite things to do during speech?
Complete the sentence:
My friends and family would say I'm____________________.
Complete the sentence
when I have a snow day and get to stay home from school, I like to_____________.
Ask us
Ask someone in the group a why Question about themselves.
Example: "Why do you think we have to wait until the age of 16 to get a drivers license?"