A Perceptron is a simple neural network because it does not have _____.
What is hidden layers?
These non-essential words are removed from sentences to make processing faster.
What are stop words?
This computer scientist invented game cartridges, making it possible to play several different games on a gaming system.
Who is Jerry Lawson?
To comment a line in Python, you use this character.
What is a pound/hashtag sign (#) ?
What are create data, store data, and secure data?
This part of a neural network determines how good or bad an input is.
What is a synaptic weight?
The process of breaking down a sentence into its constituent words and storing those words.
What is Tokenizing?
This mathematician calculated trajectories, launch windows, and emergency return paths for several U.S. space missions.
Who is Dr. Katherine Johnson?
An _____ statement is used to decide whether or not a piece of code will be executed
What is an if statement?
AI that can mimic human intelligence only in a small range of circumstances.
What is Narrow AI?
The process of feeding inputs to a neural network
What is Feedforward?
This computer scientist invented a test to determine if a machine is as intelligent as a human.
Who is Alan Turing?
A _____ is used to execute a piece of code a preset number of times.
What is a for loop?
This test determines if a computer is "intelligent" by noting if it is distinguishable from a human.
What is the Turing Test?
The process of sending error information back through a neural network in order to make adjustments.
What is Backpropagation?
This type of chatbot makes decisions based on the training it has received using datasets.
What is an AI-powered chatbot?
This computer scientist discovered prompted Google to change the way ads are presented on their search engine when she discovered bias against people of color.
Who is Dr. Latanya Sweeney?
Python will warn on a logic error, but it will warn (and possibly error) on this type of error.
What is a syntax error?
AI that has become self-aware and has surpassed human intelligence.
What is Super AI?
This function is used to let the network know whether to increase or decrease the value of the individual weights in the neural network.
What is the derivative of the sigmoid function?
This chatbot, created by Microsoft and launched onto Twitter, demonstrated how bias in datasets can alter the intended use of a chatbot.
What is TayTweets?
This computer scientist was a Rear Admiral in the U.S. Navy and created the first compiler?
Who is Grace Hopper?
A _____ is used to execute a piece of code until a condition is met.
What is a while loop?
What is a Python Class?