What kind of stories talk about the gods and the origins of the world?
What is Uli?
A form of body and wall painting
What form of Igbo oral literature honored leaders, gods, and community life while preserving history and teaching values?
Praise poetry and songs.
True or False.
Nsibidi was a famous way of bronze casting?
False, Nsibidi, an indigenous writing system used among secret societies.
What did the Ibo sing during rituals and childbirth ceremonies and sometimes with horn players?
True or False.
Men were the primary potters?
False, women were the primary potters, creating both functional and ritualistic pottery.
Finish this famous igbo proverb
A good ____ is better than ______.
Wood carvings, especially _____ and figures used in religious and social ceremonies.
Who was Ala in the Myths and Legends?
An earth goddess.
Was this photo included in the slides?