What is Arun's middle name?
What is Arun's beverage of choice?
Red wine
Redwood Shores
What year was Arun born?
How many years apart are Arun and Shobhitha?
What is Arun's favorite fruit?
Bananas (or kiwis)
How long did Arun (and Satya) live in LA for?
Who is Arun's favorite author?
John Grisham
What is the name of Arun's childhood dog?
What is Arun's second favorite cuisine (after Indian of course)
What did Arun get his Masters degree in?
Industrial Engineering
Who is Arun's favorite American singer?
Bruno Mars
Who was Arun's favorite actor growing up?
Shammi Kapoor
What is Arun's preferred red wine type?
Cabernet Sauvignon
What was Arun's first car?
Toyota Corolla
Who is Arun's least favorite football team?
The Kansas City Chiefs
What lunch did Arun have every day in school?
4 chapatis rolled (thanks Nanamma!)
What is Arun's favorite dish to cook?
Spinach pappu or Moolangi pulusu
How many miles has Arun flown with United?