Aryan Migration

What is Moksha?

Moksha is an event of when an atman becomes perfect, it would become one with Brahman again.


Who believes in dharma, karma, and reincarnation: Hindus or Buddhists?



What is Brahman?

Brahman is the single, spiritual force in the universe.


What is Nirvana?

Nirvana is a state of enlightenment, where all desire ends and a soul finds perfect peace.


Which classes held the least power?

The Sudra laborers/servants


How are dharma, karma, and reincarnation related?

The way that dharma, karma and reincarnation are related is that if an atman followed their dharma, they would get good karma and an atman with good karma would be reincarnated into a higher class. Atman with bad karma would  be reincarnated into a lower class.


What did Buddhists think of the caste system?

Buddhists generally viewed the caste system as fundamentally unjust and rejected its rigid social hierarchy, believing that all people, regardless of their birth caste, have equal potential for enlightenment and should be treated with the same respect


What is Dharma?

Dharma are the rules, duties, and obligations of the different varnas/castes


How did Siddartha Gautama become the Buddha, and what was he known as?

Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha, meaning "the enlightened one," by achieving enlightenment through deep meditation under a Bodhi tree, after leaving his life of luxury to seek the truth about suffering; once he attained enlightenment, he was then known as the Buddha and spent the rest of his life teaching others how to reach the same state of liberation from suffering.


Which class held most of the power?

The Brahmins


What are things that Hindus believe in that Buddhists may not believe in?

Some things that Hindus believe in that Buddhists may not are the caste system.


What is Atman?

These are the separated parts of brahman


What is Karma?

Karma is  the combined effects that good or bad actions have on a person's atman.


What is reincarnation in Buddhism?

Buddha taught that people would be reincarnated if they did not reach Nirvana in this lifetime


What were the main social classes of the Aryans?

The main social classes of the Aryans were the Brahmin Priests, the Kshatriya Warriors, the Vaishya herders, farmers, craftspeople, traders, and the Sudra laborers/servants.


Explain reincarnation from  the perspective of Hindus and Buddhists

Both Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation, also known as rebirth, which means the soul is reborn into a new body after death


What was the caste system? Why were people in a specific place in the caste? 

The caste system was a rigid social hierarchy in India where people were divided into different groups based on their birth. People were placed in a specific caste based on their inherited social position, often linked to their occupation and considered to be determined by their karma in a past life.


What is Sanskrit, how does it relate to Hinduism?

Sanskrit is a classical language of India, and a liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. A wide range of texts, including poetry, drama, scientific, technical, philosophical and religious texts exist in Sanskrit.


What did the Four Noble Truths say?

The Four Noble Truths had said that suffering exists; it has a cause; it has an end by ending desire ; in order to stop desire, you have to follow the eightfold path


Where did the Aryans migrate from, and how did the Aryans change as they migrated into India?

Central Asia, Caspian Sea


Why do we think the Indus Civilization may have collapsed?

The prevailing theory among historians is that the Indus Civilization likely collapsed due to significant climate change


 Be able to to label the caste system along with the outcastes.

Moksha, Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra, Untouchables (outcasts)


How did Hinduism develop in India?

Hinduism developed over many centuries from a variety of sources: cultural practices, sacred texts, and philosophical movements, as well as local popular beliefs


What is the Eightfold Path?

The Eightfold Path is an early summary of the path of Buddhist practices leading to liberation from samsara, the painful cycle of rebirth, in the form of nirvana.


What are the Vedas and the Rig Veda?

The earliest parts of the Veda are four collections of hymns (songs and poems) known as the Vedas. The first, the Rigveda, contains more than 1,000 hymns about Hindu gods and rituals.
