which social class was at the bottom of the pyramid?
The untouchables
Why do we think the Indus Civilization may have collapsed?
We think it might have been because of climate change
A cycle of rebirth
What was the caste system?
The caste system is the social class line up.
What is Nirvana?
It's when you reach enlightenment/ The end of suffering
Which social class was the most powerful?
What were the main social classes of the Aryans?
Combined effects that are good or bad and effect the persons atman
How are Brahman and atman related?
If an atman is perfect it will become part of brahman again.
The four noble truths taught?
This taught that suffering was caused by desire; if you give up desire you will give up suffering.
which social class was on the top of the pyramid?
What are the Vedas and the Rig Veda?
Ancient hindu texts/sacred readings
A soul
How are dharma and karma related?
Following your dharma got you good karma which helped your reincarnation.
If a person could give up all desire, they would reach?
Why were people in a specific place in the caste?
They were born into one.
What are three things that these nomads originally lacked?
Art,writing, or farming skills
The rules of the different varnas
What is Moksha?
Moksha the top of the caste system/ the end of reincarnation
Focusing of the mind on spiritual ideas is called?
Name all the castes on the pyramid from top to bottom
Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra,untouchables
What did the Aryans think of non-Aryans?
They were considered to be outside of the varnas.
Rig veda
One of the four hindu readings
How are karma and reincarnation related?
Good karma would be reincarnated into a higher class. Atman with bad karma would be reincarnated into a lower class.
Siddartha Gautama received the title of?