for example, charging a price
based on facts
crushing aim policy
shifts in demand
reasons to shift PPC
quantity, quality of resources; trade
Government tool
Maximum price
difference b/t what people are willing to pay and what the price
consumer surplus
higher prices causing prices to rise causing wages to increase
wage-price spiral
availability of substitutes, addictive nature, relative proportion to income, brand, luxury vs necessity
factors of elasticity
profits, interest, dividends
name that account and concept
current account/primary income of the balance of payments
absolute advantage
a measure that shows the average change in the prices of a representative basket of goods purchased by households
consumer price index (CPI)
adverse relationship b/t borrowers and savers with policy tool
interest rates/monetary
automatic way
transmission of preference
reasons for this to happen
selling currency, buying imports, firms moving away, decrease in relative interest rates
more competition, efficient use of resources, specialization
free trade
tax that is levied on goods such as cigarettes (sin)
excise taxes
an advantage of this type of unemployment allows the economy to respond quickly with changes in demand
subsidy and tax implications on consumers and producers
benefit/burden (incidences)
when would supply-side policy not raise output?
economy is operating at spare capacity
decreasing gini
redistribution of income
changes in spending and taxation to reduce fluctuation in AD without government policy
automatic stabilizers
who? and when to use in essays?
Keynes/as an evaluation
micro concept to whom and what?
elasticities/firm's usefulness of elasticities
policy tool, spending, influences AD
exhaustive government spending/current and capital spending