What is the difference between accent and dialect?
Accent refers to distinctive pronunciation.
Dialect refers to distinctive grammar and vocabulary as well.
What are the aspects of graphology in Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha?
Non-chronological, reflects thoughts, focus moves from one topic to another, sometimes irrelevant detail, declarative sentences, focus on family, friends and adventure
What feature/features are found in this quote?
"I was going phoop phoop"
Physical and social context.
A difference in status or gender of the participants.
The personality of the individual.
How can the writer show the relationship between characters?
Structural features such as who sets the agenda, who dominates the conversation.
Prosodic features such as pitch, volume, intonation and stress.
Paralinguistic features such as body language, physical gestures and facial expression.
"I ain't even bovvered" is an example of what?
What is Bildungsroman?
A literary genre, a coming of age story, a young protagonist, psychological and moral growth
How can you tell if somebody is a dominant speaker?
They set the agenda, control topic shifts, uses discourse markers