What time is the first sign in for ASA?
What day are schedules due?
When are you allowed to use a cellphone?
- checking time
- When using a phone for an activity (with permission)
When do you need to fill out an incident report?
For any injury & behavioral incidents such as verbal or physical aggression.
Is the phrase "I'm having a situation" allowed on the walkie?
What column does the first sign-in go to?
The first sign-in column
How many times a week are you allowed to put "station games" on the schedule?
Are kids allowed to get sports equipment alone?
NO! The bin is on the stage a monitor must get the sports equipment.
What is the protocol/general rule when there's an issue with a disruptive kid?
Monitors should rotate handling the child's behavior/situation, before calling the coordinator.
What time do you need to call in sick by?
Send a message to the ASA email by 9 a.m.
What time do kids get signed out during the first dismissal?
What time is homework/quiet time?
3:45-4:15 (dismissal time)
When do you plan/prepare extra art activities ?
On Fridays during movie day.
What is the difference between tattling & reporting?
Tattling: When a kid is repeatedly nitpicking at smaller issues regarding another specific student.
Reporting: When a kid approaches you regarding major issues within the group.
What are the sites that are allowed for movie days?
- Netflix kids
- Disney Kids
- Amazon prime (Bonus)
What time are you signing a kid out of daycare for the second round of enrichment?
What's an ideal structure of a day of ASA
Are children allowed to go visit other groups?
Only when seniors help out kindergarteners & if a kid needs a snack from their sibling.
Ask them why they don't want to go to their activity, and try to encourage them to. If they still don't go call the coordinator.
What are the main 6 necessities of cleaning the rooms at the end of the day?
- sweeping
- closing windows
- put chairs up
- turning off smartboards & AC
- removing all ASA equipment
- Wiping tables if necessary