This came by a prophecy to David HaMelech concerning his son.
Which son would become King after David's death?
Asher, Menashe, Ephraim, Shimon, Yissachar, Zebulun, Dan, Reuven, Gad, Naphtali
What are the 10 tribes that made up the Northern Nation of Israel?
What is the 10th of Tevet?
Child kept in the Kodesh HaKodeshim.
Who was Yehoash?
The Siege lasted for 2.5 years
How long did Nebuchadnetzar lay siege against Jerusalem?
Rishes, Power, or Wisdom. He chose wisdom.
What was Shlomo HaMelech's request from Hashem?
This Israel King corrupted the 10 tribes avodah Zara by instituting worship of two golden calves.
Who is Yeravam?
This fast is a reenactment of the Fast of the most popular Jewish Queen.
What is Taanit Ester?
People did this because being in the Kodesh HaKodeshim made him "holy".
Why did the people worship Yehoash as a god/god-like?
The Hebrew term for the destruction of the Temples
What is the "Churban"?
To try and reduce Avoda Zara in the world, Shlomo HaMelech did this.
What is the reason Shlomo HaMelech married non-Jewish Princesses?
This person exiled the 10 Tribes of Israel.
Who is King Sanacheriv, king of Ashur?
This fast is just before Pesach and commemorates the death of the Firstborn sons.
What is Taanit Bechorot?
This was given in the courtyard of the Beit HaMikdash on Yom Kippur.
What was the Rebuke of the Prophet Zecharya?
The Book of Melachim contains this story.
What is the story of the Destruction of the First Temple?
Yedidya haNavi
Who was the prophet who prophesied Shlomo would be king?
36 years.
What is the length of time Israel and Judah were supposed to be separate nations?
This fast commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temple in Jerusalem.
What is the 9th of Av?
This continued bubbling on the floor of the azara(courtyard) for the next several hundred years and could not be cleaned.
What is the Blood of the Navi Zecharya?
Titus was the Emperor of this Empire, which was responsible for the Destruction of the Second Temple
What is the Roman Empire?
Shir HaShirim, Kohelet, and Mishlei
What are the books of TaNaKh written by Shlomo HaMelech?
This is also the amount of time Shlomo HaMelech was married to Bat Pharaoh.
What did the 36 years of separation between Israel and Yehudah correspond to?
This is the fast commemorating the killing of the Governor of the last self governing Jewish State before Israel in 1948.
The Angel Gavriel come down on THIS DAY, stuck a reed into the Mediterranean Sea, gathered soot around the reed, and founded the City of Rome.
What happened on the day Shlomo HaMelech married Bat Pharaoh?
The First Temple was destroyed in this year.
What happened in the year 586?