Which class's float featured Cody?
What is Junior class of 2026
"I need this stretch bro"
What is Trissy
What is the announcer send off that is said EVERY DAY on announcements?
What is When you flock with the nest you flock with the best.
What word corresponds with the definition:
Small circular fruit
What was the name of the christmas rap this year?
Jolly Mode
What was Mrs. Mitchell's first name?
What is Jennifer
"Bro I came to school for one day"
what is Bella
Who won ASB Squid Games?
What is trissy/456
What word corresponds with the following definition:
Ex-ASB comish with many secret admirers.
what is Colin Schwartz
How many scooters in the ASB Room/student store?(No looking)
what is 4
Which two people did we ship during Holiday Who is it?
What is Bryce and Ruby
"Someone come sit with Missy Cooper"
What is Smella
Who is the only ASB alum to be an ex-humanitarian comish, ex-ambassador, and is probably playing fortnite right now?
What is King Ty
What word corresponds with the following definition:
What ASB would call Trey Coleman
What is Benchwarmer
What was Taiyos recent discovery at handels?
What is Cherry Blossom
What was the first item placed in the ASB shrine?
what is Elliot's horrific ID photo
"Luke looks like MLK"
What is Bryce
What was the spirit day more Monday of Prom Spirit Week?
What is Pajama Day?
How many terms are on the ASB Vocab list?
what is 39
What letter is duck taped to the top left corner of the student store? (No looking)
what is E
What game did our ASB class play the last day of the 2024 School Year?
What is kickball
"What am I supposed to be doing"
What is Ruka Spice
What food was served on monday of floatbuilding?
What is Canes chicken tenders
What word corresponds with the following definition?
Nicknames of both twin brothers that graduated last year
What is Druth and the quizzler
At what event were free tacos and ice cream served?
What is senior movie night