What are the 2 components of Define?
Student Standards and Professional Standards
What are the 2 components of Manage?
Program Focus and Program Planning
What are the 2 components to Deliver?
Direct Student Services and Indirect Student Services
What are the 2 components to Assess?
Counselor Assessment & Appraisal and Program Assessment
What is the suggested Student:Counselor ratio?
Under Professional Standards, how many mindsets do school counselors believe?
Is this an appropriate activity for a school counselor? "Analyze Grade Point Averages in relationship to achievement"
At least 80%
This means that no more than 20% of a school counselor's time should be spent in program planning and school support activities.
How often does ASCA recommend that your formally assess your school counseling program?
True or False: The ASCA Model Framework includes 5 main categories.
There are 4 categories - Define, Manage, Deliver & Assess
What is 1 of the 3 categories Student Behaviors are grouped into?
1. Learning Strategies
2. Self-Management Skills
3. Social Skills
In Program Focus, which comes first:
A: Create Vision Statement
B: Establish Personal Beliefs
C: Create Mission Statement
B: Establish Personal Beliefs
A counselor establishes personal beliefs first to address how all students will benefit from the school counseling program. The vision statement is then built off of these beliefs.
Is consultation and collaboration an example of direct or indirect student services?
What is the point of the Assess Section?
To determine the effectiveness of and to make improvements to your school counseling program
What section contains tools that help guide the design and implementation of a school counseling program that gets results?