ASD's definition of Respect.
We treat ourselves, others and the environment with care.
Only having your water bottle and no other food and drinks is an agreement for these areas.
Commons & Library (but also the gyms!)
ASD's definition of honesty.
We are truthful to ourselves and others.
ASD's definition of kindness.
We take care of each other.
This is when you can chew gum in the middle school.
The third agreement for Respect in the bathrooms and change rooms.
Keep the lights on.
ASD's definition of Responsibility.
We take honest reflection and ownership of our words and actions.
Not in your planner but... You should always use this bathroom during your classes.
The bathroom on the floor where your class is.
You shouldn't be going to another floor during class for the bathroom.
These are the three ways we show kindness to other people in our classes.
- Keep a positive attitude.
- Be inclusive and helpful.
- Be kind and encourage others.
If an adult sees your phone during the school day, they will...
ask you for it and put it in the office until the end of the day.
Listen while others are speaking is a value for this location.
Phones are not permitted to be out of lockers/backpacks during the school day.
In which location might it even be illegal to use your phone for photos?
Bathrooms & Change rooms
Doing your own work and Giving others credit for their ideas are important Honesty agreements. If these agreements are broken, it's called...
academic dishonesty
(or cheating)
This is what happens each month with all the Dragon Tickets in the boxes in the office.
Prize drawing!
We can wear hats or hoods in school.
In these two locations, it's very important that you give people privacy AND not just hang out there.
Bathrooms & Change rooms
On the stairwells, it's important to only walk on this side of the stairs.
The Right!
This is so people can go up and down at the same time.
If I go in the bathroom just to meet up or hang out with friends, this breaks which agreement?
"Use the bathroom only when necessary"
"If you see something, say something" is an agreement for multiple locations. How can you report something that you feel is not right?
You can tell an adult or report it on the anonymous reporting form on the Middle School Life page on Teneen.
Physical Horseplay would be this category of behavior infraction because it can lead to injuries.
Category 2
- You can see the response steps in the Behavior Matrix in your planner.
Make sure you are not being physical with any other students (even your friends). This can lead to more serious conflicts.
This agreement tells us which locker you may use.
"Use ONLY your assigned locker"
You may not go into anyone else's locker for any reason. = Privacy & Safety
This is when you can use any type of AI program to complete assignments.
Fireball Awards are given out each month. A student is only eligible to get ONE Fireball Award each year.
What might a student get a Fireball award for this year?
Excelling in one of the 6 C's
(Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Character, Citizenship)
Return it to them or give it to the office.
This is what students can get for demonstrating ASD Values from any adult in the building.
Dragon Tickets!
If you get one, put your name on the back and put it in your House box in the MS office.