The amount of the account service fee in a TA account
What is $20 per fund
receive only 1 statement, have only 1 account number, more modern platform that will make trading simple, ability to trade securities
Why convert to VBA?
What is the initial deadline to convert to VBA or sign up for e-delivery?
How often is the account service fee charged?
The total amount of the account service fee we will charge for 3 mutual funds in a TA account
What is $60
Client care form after consult with TL
How can a manual reimbursement be submitted? (after 11/30)
What is the deadline to take action if already charged the ASF and want reimbursement?
2 business days
How long will it take from when the fee is assessment job runs to when it is posted and viewable on transaction history (show clients where to watch to avoid the callback)
Sign up for e-delivery
What can a client do to avoid the account service fee in a VBA account?
Total of vanguard mutual funds, Vanguard ETF or $ in settlement account (not stocks, bonds or other companies ETFs)
what are qualifying assets?
What month are ASF reimbursements?
is converting to VAB a taxable event?
What is the frequency of the fee
1 million dollars in qualified assets
How much do clients need to avoid the ASF
When did we start an awareness campaign on ASF?
2 this first year. 1 for the TA account up until conversion and 1 for VBA from time of conversion on.
How many statements will I receive at year end this first year of my conversion?
Transaction history or their statement
Where can they see where they were charged
If client converts their TA to a VAB today, what do they need to do in order to be reimbursed the ASF when charged?
December 1,2023
When can clients request a manual re-imbursement if eligible (please don't proactively offer and after consult with TL)
reduce cost of mail, paper, receive email notification when its available, no mailing times or lost in mail.
Why sign up for e-delivery?