Figurative language

what is the definition of  tone.

the general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation,


Do all poems have a theme

Poetry doesn't always have one identifiable theme. Poetry is about sharing an experience and so there may be many themes presented through the imagery of the poem itself.


How does Plot affect a story

Plot connects events for the reader.


What is an example of figurative language.

Writers favor a handful of common types of figurative language. Among these are: Simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two separate concepts through the use of a clear connecting word such as “like” or “as.” Examples of simile are phrases such as “He was wily as a fox,” or “I slept like a log.”


what is an inferences

the process of inferring something.


How does tone affect the reader.

Tone is your attitude towards a subject revealed through written language.


How do you find the theme in a poem

Theme is the lesson about life or statement about human nature that the poem expresses. To determine theme, start by figuring out the main idea.


What makes a plot complex

what this means is that the complex plot shares what the simple plot contains, but adds additional elements to make it more complex.


What is a metaphor example.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to make a comparison between two things that aren't alike but do have something in common. ... You may have to work a little to find the meaning in a metaphor. Metaphor Examples for Kids. For example, a river and tears aren't very alike.


Why is it important to make inferences

Observations occur when we can see something happening. In contrast, inferences are what we figure out based on an experience. 


How do you establish tone

Tone is achieved through word choice (diction), sentence construction and word order (syntax), and by what the viewpoint character focuses on.


What are the steps in analyzing a theme

  1. Look for recurring images. 
  2. Ask questions (and make a note of them) .
  3. Identify the different tools the author uses to express the theme. 
  4. Keep a notebook of notes while reading, and then compare all once finished reading.

What are some plot examples

A plot is also a narrative of events, the emphasis falling on causality.


Is irony a figurative language

Irony is not figurative language.


When making an inference the most important thing is

when making an inference, the most important thing is. Being able to prove your inference using evidence from the text.


How do you answer attitude questions

To answer an attitude question, first decide where the author lands — for, against, or neutral — in relation to the topic.


How do you identify a theme

To identify the theme, be sure that you've first identified the story's plot, the way the story uses characterization, and the primary conflict in the story.


What should be included in a plot

  1. Exposition. At the beginning of the story, the exposition establishes characters and setting. ...
  2. Inciting Incident. ...
  3. Rising action, or Progressive Complications. ...
  4. Dilemma (or crisis.
  5. Climax. ...
  6. Denouement or Resolution.


What is the function of figurative language.

termine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.


What is an example of an inference

When we make an inference, we draw a conclusion based on the evidence that we have available. 


What are examples of tone

The tone in a story indicates a particular feeling. It can be joyful, serious, humorous, sad, threatening, formal, informal, pessimistic, and optimistic.


What are 3 ways to find a theme

  • What is the story about? This is the plot of the story.
  • What is the meaning behind the story? This is usually an abstract result of his actions.
  • What is the lesson? This is a statement about the human condition

What are five main plot elements in a typical plot

A story has five basic but important elements. These five components are: the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the resolution.


What are 4 examples of figurative language

  • Simile. 
  • Hyperbole
  • Personification. 
  • Allusion. 

What are the two types of inference

There are two types of inferences, inductive and deductive. Inductive inferences start with an observation and expand into a general conclusion or theory.
