How many books are in the bible?
66 books
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy are in what section of the OT?
What is the Scripture?
a scared writing that is connected to God
how many languages has the Bible been translated into?
704 languages
How many copies of the ancient Bible exist?
How many books are in the OT?
39 books
Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Eccleslastes, and Song of Songs are in what section of the Bible?
What is the Holy Bible?
a collection of ancient scriptures that claim to be inspired by God
Who first translated the Bible?
William Tyndale
How many biographies were written about jesus's life?
How many books are in the NT?
27 books
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are in what section of the Bible?
What does "inspired by God" mean?
that the people who wrote each scared writing claim to be directly led by God or influenced by God.
What is the most accurate translation of the Bible?
King James Version
How accurate were the copies of the NT?
What are the first 5 books of the OT?
genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, deuteronomy
What are all the sections in the OT? (in order)
The law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets, and Minor Phrophets
What is a testament?
an agreement, contract or covenant, specifically between God and man.
What Biblical languages has the Bible been translated into?
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek
What was the main reason the OT wasnt 100% accurate?
spelling errors
What are the first 4 books of the NT?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
What are all the sections of the NT? (in order)
Gospels, Church History, Letters, Prophecy
the history of God's agreement or special promise to the people of Israel, through the Law
Bible Translation came before Jesus was born. True or False?
Even non-believers of Jesus wrote about him True or False?