(Any abjuration spell)
What is it called when you take multiple levels in different classes?
Name the three spell components.
Verbal, Somatic, Material
What property allows you to dual-weild melee weapons without the dual weilder feat?
What school of magic is fireball?
Which two classes give unarmored defence as a feature?
Monk and Barbarian
What damage dice does eldritch blast use?
Name a cantrip that deals as much damage at level 1 as a rapier.
Chill touch, Ray of Frost, Shocking grasp, Create Bonfire, Lightning Lure, Produce Flame, Sacred Flame, Shillelagh
What school of magic is Speak with Animals?
What half-caster is most commonly multi-classed into?
How much range does counterspell have?
60 ft
Name 2 melee weapons that are mechanical re-skins of one another.
Scimitar & shortsword, Spear & Javelin
What school of magic is Weird?
When multiclassing into warlock, how do different spell slot types interact?
They stay seperate
Name at least 3 spells that can bring back the dead.
(Name 3)
Name a cantrip that is always objectively better than making a standard melee attack.
Green-flame blade, Booming Blade
Name one spell from each school of magic.
(Name them)
When multi-classing, it is common that you have higher level ______ than your highest level _______.
Spell slots, spell known
What is the mechanical difference between Magic Missile and Jim's Magic Missile?
You roll to hit on Jim's magic missile & it deals more damage on hit on average.
Which weapons property only mechanically serves to punish players for wanting to have fun and serves no other real purpose?
Heavy (it only affects small/tiny creatures)