What nation took over Korea?
What is Japan?
What term did historian Nayan Shah coin to describe the bond amongst immigrants of different ethnicities?
What is "stranger intimacy"?
The Philippines became a US colony after what war?
What is the Spanish-American War (1898)?
While working in the US, Bulosan experienced brutal working conditions, including machinery that emitted this toxic chemical?
What is ammonia?
What place was important for Koreans in the US?
What are churches?
Because South Asians were colonial subjects, their native governments couldn’t support or protect them as immigrants. What other ethnic group was also colonial subjects at this time?
Who are Koreans?
Because the U.S. didn’t want to grant Filipinos citizenship status, what were they referred as?
Hint: this status exempted them from immigration laws and inspects
What are US nationals?
Bulosan and his fellow Filipinos were referred to with his derogatory term by white Americans, reflecting the discrimination they faced?
What are monkeys?
What was considered as the "superior" Asian American race?
What does ghadar mean?
What is mutiny or revolution?
What act invited Filipino students to the States to study so that they can return to the Philippines as “successful and powerful [pro-U.S.] leaders"? (pg. 111)
What is the Pensionado Act of 1903?
What is the US city that Bulosan first arrived at?
What is Seattle?
What state did most people migrate to?
What is Hawai'i?
What is the name of the Canadian act that prohibited South Asians from entering their country?
What is the Continuous Journey order (Jan 1908)?
What is the name of the group of Filipino workers that was founded in 1933, advocating for union recognition, better working conditions, and increased wages?
Hint: Its acronym was FLU
What is the Filipino Labor Union?
Upon his arrival in Seattle, Bulosan had only this amount of money.
What is 20 cents?
When the US borders closed off Japan, where did they migrate instead?
Where is Latin America?
What is the name of the ship Singh took from India to Canada in 1914 to demand entry as part of the British Empire?
What is the Komagata Maru?
What act promised the Philippines freedom from being a U.S. colony after ten years as a way to apply discriminatory immigration laws to Filipinos?
What is the Philippine Independence Act / Tydings-McDuffie Act?
Bulosan reflects on his life in America with the realization, “This is the beginning of your life in America,” and plans to do this to escape his circumstances.
What is take a freight train to nowhere?