Influence & Impact

This Chinese American was murdered in a hate crime which galvanized the Asian American community in the 1980s.

Who is Vincent Chin?


This Black group heavily influenced the Asian American Movement.

What is the Black Panther Party?


This term was created as an alternative to a racist and widespread way to refer to Asians. Beyond referring to a geographic or racial group, this term has panethnic and political connotations, and rejects outsider labels for this group.

What is Asian American?


This term refers to the importance of coalitions and solidarity, thanks to an understanding of the shared experiences of capitalistic exploitation, racial oppression, and imperialism across peoples in the United States.

What is interracialism?


This man was an Asian American Movement activist & Black Panther Party leader. He was posthumously accused of being an FBI informant.

Who is Richard Aoki?


This conference of African and Asian countries was held in 1955 in Indonesia to create a Third World of formerly colonized nations beyond the scope of First World (capitalist) countries and Second World (communist) countries.

What is the Bandung Conference?


This publication was created by Asian American Students at UCLA and ran for 5 years, from 1969-1974. It organized and educated Asian Americans about topics among the New Left, especially those impacting Asian Americans.

What is Gidra?


In dialogue with Third Worldism, this refers to how Asian American activists are politically inspired by and in solidarity with global movement struggles.

What is internationalism?


These two groups were targeted by the demolition of the I-Hotel. (Be as specific as possible.)

Who are manongs and Chinese elderly bachelors?


These were created to help low-income, 1st gen students of color access college. These included admissions and retention programs. The philosophy behind these programs was an understanding of the additional barriers underprivileged students may have experienced which affect test scores, grades, and other elements of their admission profiles.

What are Educational Opportunity Programs (EOPs)?


The racialized anxieties, fears and hatred towards Asian people as a result of politicized scapegoating of their countries of ethnic origin.

What is Yellow Peril?


Ideology where Asian American, Black, Chicano, and Native activists recognized their struggle was part of multiethnic and multiracial coalitions in the U.S. AND abroad:

What is Third Worldism?


This man is credited for coining the term "Asian American" in the late 60s.

Who is Yuji Ichioka?


These were the 4 fields created as a result of the successful TWLF strikes:

What are African American Studies, American Indian Studies, Asian American Studies, Chicano/La Raza Studies?


When people of various ethnicities are grouped together, largely for political reasons.One example of this is the grouping of Asians in the United States.

What is panethnicity?


This concept was coined by Mao Zedong and popularized in the U.S. by the Black Panther Party. Community-based programs such as the Free Breakfast program exemplified the spirit of this.

What is "Serve the People"?
