Preventative Measures

The right to speak, write, and share ideas and opinions without facing punishment from the government.

What is free speech


This stakeholder is impacted by the issue because the victims of asian hate speech involve their children. 

What are parents?


All of the possible solutions presented as preventative measures are expected to get a (positive/negative/mixed) response from the public.

What is mixed?


In this case, a Japanese man applied for US citizenship after living in the US for 20 years, to which the appellate court denied. 

What is the Ozawa vs United States case?


The freedom of speech has __ restrictions.

What is 3?


Communication of ideas through spoken or written words or through conduct limited in form to that necessary to convey the idea.

What is pure speech?


This stakeholder can unintentionally fund Asian hate speech through their commentary on tv. 

What are news stations?


This measure would involve implementing system similar to CHRA (of Canada).

What is enforcing stricter laws?


In this case, a high caste Hindu, of full Indian blood, was granted a certificate of citizenship, but a bill in equity filed by the United States, sought a cancellation of the certificate because the appellee was not white and thus not lawfully entitled to naturalization.

What is the United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind case?


To limit what news station could say about fake news, you would contact...

What are congress and government officials?


Speech that directly incites imminent criminal activity or consists of specific threats of violence targeted against a person or group.

What is hate speech?


This stakeholder is vulnerable to hate speech online because of a heavy media presence.

What are celebrities?


This measure would make sure that people are aware that their actions are being watched and recorded in public areas. As a result, they will most likely stop participating in illegal activity in public.

What are security cameras?


Thind’s citizenship (was/was not) revoked on December 13, 1918 on the grounds that Thind was not a “white man.”

What is "was"?


It is (true/false) that there is no such thing as a Hate Crime in the Criminal Code of Canada.

What is true?


Nonverbal, unwritten forms of communication that is generally protected by the First Amendment unless it causes a specific, direct threat to another individual or public order

What is symbolic speech?


This stakeholder is impacted because the articles they write can contribute or alleviate asian hate speech depending on its contents. 

What are publishers?


This measure would give law enforcement the opportunity to record violent perpetrators in the act of the crime and make it easier for people to report an act of hate crime or speech they witness.

What is a panic button device?


In the United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind, the appellant, a high caste Hindu, of full Indian blood, (was/was not) a “white person” within the meaning of section 2169, Revised Statutes?

What is "was not"?


Because it degrades the identity of Asians, Asian hate speech is a ___ reason as to why the matter is an issue today.

What is a social reason?


Speech directed toward one or more specific individuals with intent of causing listeners to fear for their own safety.

What is a true threat?


This stakeholder typically increases Asian hate speech because they instigate hate speech on online platforms and social media

What are hate commenters?


This measure would involve downloading an application for social media platforms letting users know repercussions of actions if they were to post hate speech towards Asians (or other people).

What is an app?


In the Ozawa v. United States, "The Naturalization Act of June 29, 1906 (was/was not) limited by U.S. Rev. Stat. § 2169, thereby disallowing the naturalization of a Japanese who had been living in the United States for 20 years"

What is "was"?


Emerson believes this to be the most difficult thing to do for protecting free speech in a democratic society because of its complexity.  

What is maintaining a system of free expression?
