The reason Premila told Santha to put a book over her head
The sun was out.
The reason the jackal is afraid of the lion
The lion will eat the jackal and is in his cave
What do Mao Tse-tung & Bei Dao disagree about?
Using communism in your gov't
The soldiers make the people say/do this outside:
scream "Kill him" and watch "traitors" die
The difference between British & Indian sports is..
the competition level (British are more competitive)
Who/What is Moana?
The ocean
The men in the Long March are described as..
Brave, Strong, Courageous
These are the people knocking on the houses at the beginning of the story
The reason that Santha's mother was reluctant to send the girls to school.
She thought the British school would be racist.
Who is Taaora & where can he be found?
He is the 'creator' and can be found in everything.
Explain how The Long March might be propaganda
A lot of people died, but they focus on the victory of Communism instead
Why was the clerk executed according to their police?
He was a traitor; he sabotaged the food distribution
How many lines are in a haiku?
This is how Santha felt about being pulled out of school.
Didn't mind, didn't like it anyway.
In The Tyrant Who Became A Just Ruler, what makes the king change his ways?
He saw the chain of events and decided if you do evil, you'll be overtaken by it
Why does Mao Tse-tung use "we" and Bei Dao use "I"
Mao wants communism, Bei does not.
This is where OK-Sun is returning home from.
college/education in the West
What do haiku's usually focus on?
The girl who tells her mother everything about school.
What does it take to see an imaginary island?
Boldness & imagination
What does it mean to "carry around your baseness like an ID card"
be proud of how horrible you can be, how low you can get
The Nonrevolutionaries is set in which country ?
North Korea
This is the structure of a haiku
5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables