Countries & Capitals
Flag Facts
Food & Beverages
Traditions & Holidays

The capital of Korea, with a population of about 9.8 million, is named [blank].

What is Seoul?


A red flag with five golden stars in the top left of it. This flag belongs to the country with the 2nd most in population.

What is the Chinese flag? (China)


One of the most common side dishes in Korea, known to be made of radishes and cabbage with a red color.

What is Kimchi?


A Christian holiday celebrated worldwide on December 25th. It’s the day celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

What is Christmas?


The largest city in Asia, with a population of around 37.7 million, located in the Kanto region of Japan.

What is Tokyo?


The Burj Khalifa, the tallest building at record, is located in this West Asian country along the Persian Gulf.

What is the United Arab Emirates?


A triple striped flag with a blue chakra circle in the middle of it. The stripes are orange, white, and green in descending order.

What is the Indian flag? (India)


A Taiwanese tea-based beverage with “pearls”, also known as bobas.

What is Bubble/Boba Tea?


A Muslim holiday/tradition where people fast for the duration of the 9th month of the Islamic calendar.

What is Ramadan?


A Disney movie representing the Chinese, takes place in 4th to 6th AD with the battle against the Huns. It also had a live adaptation made in 2020.

What is Mulan?


This island in north-eastern Asia is just off the coast of the Koreas and China; it also has a sea named after it.

What is Japan?


A flag containing a red and blue type yin-yang shape in the middle; it has various black rectangles of various cuts surrounding the circle.

What is the South Korean flag? (South Korea)


Most common soup served in Japan as a starter dish, often containing tofu.

What is Miso Soup?


The celebration of the arrival of Spring and the end of the lunisolar calendar. It’s usually taking place between January and February 21st and 20th on the 2nd new moon after the winter solstice.

What is Chinese/Lunar New Year?


A story created by Masashi Kishimoto in 1999, later getting an anime in 2002, following a boy seeking recognition and dreaming of becoming leader of his village, known as the Hokage.

What is Naruto?


While Delhi is India’s main capital city, this Indian city located in Maharashtra is the financial capital of the country.

What is Mumbai?


A flag with a red, white, and blue coloring; blue on top meaning peace, and red meaning war. This flag also has a sun representing the country’s provinces.

What is the Filipino flag? (Philippines)


A summer-based drink, made from Mango and yogurt, originally from India.

What is Mango Lassi?


A Hindu holiday celebrating the victory of light over darkness; usually with items that emit a bright light, like fireworks. It’s also considered India's biggest holiday.

What is Diwali?


A 57 floor, three building hotel located in the heart of Singapore; most notably known for its boat-like structure atop its skyscrapers.

What is Marina Bay Sands


A country south of India and Sri Lanka, known for its remote islands and turquoise waters. Its name means “The Islands of Male”.

What is Malaysia?


A blue and red striped flag containing the Angkor Wat, a buddhist temple, in the center. This flag belongs to a mainland southeastern Asian country.

What is the Cambodian flag? (Cambodia)


An Indian dish consisting of roasted marinated chicken chunks in a spiced sauce.

What is Tikka Masala?


Celebrated by Muslims worldwide, this marks the end of month-long fasting of Ramadan. Its name also goes by “Feast of Sacrifice”.

What is Eid al-Adha?


Independence Day in the Philippines, today, is on June 12th; however, before, the date of this holiday, the same day as the largest country in the Americas, was on [blank].

What is July 4th?
