What is the name of the actress who plays an Indian doctor on a TV show set in New York City?
Mindy Kaling
Jeremy Lin, most notably known for creating the hype of LINSANITY, is a professional basketball player. What college did he graduate from?
Harvard University
What is India's capital?
New Delhi
What is the name of the Asian Youtuber known for beauty advice who has almost 8 million subscribers?
Michelle Phan
The Chinese lunar calendar dedicates each year to an animal on the Zodiac chart. Which animal of the Chinese Zodiac will represent the year of 2023?
The rabbit
Which Asian nation is located most directly above Australia?
What was the familial relationship between Genghis Kahn and Kublai Khan?
Kublai was Genghis's grandson.
In the TV show Modern Family, Mitchell and Cameron decided to adopt a child from an Asian country. From which country is their daughter from?
Which Asian country is the least dense with respect to population?
In feudal Japan, there were different levels of class that determined a person's social status. What was the name of the those who were wealthy landowners?
Besides English, another national language is spoken in the Philippines. Synonymous to "Filipino," what is the name for this language?
When did the Khmer Rouge lost power?
The 4-member band, Far East Movement, is most known for their hit single "Like a G6." Each member in the group has a different Asian ethnic background, - please name each one.
Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Filipino.
California rolls are undoubtedly one of the most popular forms of sushi. What are the five main ingredients found in it? (100 pts per correct ingredient). Bonus: +100 pts if you can name the place where it was invented!
Rice, seaweed, crab meat, cucumbers, and avocado. Bonus answer - Vancouver, Canada!