You forgot your homework that you are suppose to be getting out right now, What do you do?
Tell the teacher and ask her what to do.
What is Harry Potter's first pet?
What is Hedwig a Snow Owl
If you're at the library and need help finding a book you really want
Who is "A Librarian?"
Asking for help is essential to being successful
What is True. If we don't ask for help, we could take on projects that are too big for one person, we could get tired more quickly and be more likely to give up when things get hard.
There is someone next to you not being very respectful, what do you do?
Move to a different spot, say "that's not nice", or tell an adult
What movie contains the song "This is me"?
What is The Greatest Showman
You are in the cafeteria and you would like some sauce that you don't see available
Who is the kitchen staff
If you didn't hear what someone said in the cafeteria, you could say...
What is "Could you speak up please, I didn't hear you?"
Asking for help means we are not smart enough
What is false. We are not born knowing everything. We learn more by asking!
You are in gym class and feel your body start to itch and your fists clench. What can you do?
Tell an adult, ask for a walk, go to the calming room and scream it out, squeeze or kick a ball, hit the mat, take deep breaths, count to 20 while breathing.
What is the longest river in the world?
What is the Nile River
You can't find your clothes you wanted to wear today.
Who is unit staff (Taylor, Julia, Rachel, Leia, Libby)
You are brave when you ask for help
What is True. Asking for help isn't always easy, so asking for help takes courage
You have a lot of things you could do with your free time, but you don't know what. You start to feel overwhelmed. What can you do?
Look at your choice board, choose the first thing you see, eliminate what you don't want to do, make a list and cross things off.
What is the mascot of Genesee Lake School?
What is The Pioneers
You are at a restaurant and need some ketchup.
Who is the waitress or waiter or any other staff available
You are on the unit and you need water. Staff are having a conversation and don't realize you need something. What is something you could say?
Excuse me, "Could I have some water please?"
Asking for help can give you more confidence
What is True. You gain more social skills and learn more about how to do things
You don't understand the work you were given, but your classmate seems to be almost done. What is something you can do?
Ask your classmate for help, ask the teacher for help.
What countries wear red instead of white to get married?
What is China and India
You are on an outing to a museum and want to know more about this beautiful antique.
Who is Museum staff
You are in school and the teacher is talking too fast, what is something you could do or say?
Raise your hand. "Can you slow down please?" or "what part of this should I write down?"
People get annoyed when you ask them for help
What is false! People feel useful and good about themselves when they can help someone else.