ways to get others attention (3 ways)
What is waving, tapping and using an itermediary
Palm orientation for cardinal numbers 11-15
What is palm faced in
for the sign teacher
What is 2-handed symmetrical sign
B,C, D, F,K, L, R, U, V, W, X
What are up letters
Using Contrastive structure
What is setting up options and shifting body from side to side
Palm orientation for cardinal numbers 1-5
What is palm facing out
Translate this question: What is your name?
Make sure there are facial expressions
Your name what?
sign for college
What is 2-handed non-symmetrical sign
This number between 20-29 you do use your thumb
What is number 22
Showing something is relatively small signing
What is squintching eyes and pulling open b-hands together
A, e, I, O, S, T, M,N These letters are what kind of letters
What are fist letters
Greeting: two ways to initially greet (sign)
What is hi and hello
Sign foe Gallaudet
What is a one-handed sign
You are trying to see the teacher signing and the person on the side of you in a circle is blocking your view you ask them to move
What is pressing down on their shoulder to the direction you want them to move
Showing you are the middle child of five signing
What is having a 5 hand and pointing to the middle finger
Establish many Deaf schools in W. Africa
Who is Andrew Foster
Asking Y/N question 3 important things
What are leaning forward, raising eyebrows and holding the last sign
sign for student
What is a two-handed non symmetrical sign
You want to the know a sign to a word and you ask using 3 ways or more
What are drawing, pointing, listing, opposites, and describing or acting out
When indicating age the first rule
What is tap the chin
When signing WH- question there are 3 important things
What is leaning the forward, furrowing eyebrows and holding the last sign
Acknowledging information (signing)
What is OIC
Sign for sign
What is 2 handed symmetrical sign
The translation of: Good Morning my name is Mary
what is : Good Morning my name Mary
When signing a possessive adjective
What is your