Who was Andrew Foster?
Deaf Educator/Missionary
Traveled Africa to educate deaf children
When producing of the sign numbers, your palm orientation is facing________ for most numbers.
Except: 1-5 and (face inward)
x 11= 22, 33, 44, 55.... face downward
When signing a one-handed signs, you should use your ________ hand
Dominant hand (strong hand) the hand you write with.
What is Real World Orientation
POINTING/ Using the environment to reference locations and sometimes people
What word defines people who can hear and speak, and think they are superior to Deaf People because of this ability to speak English?
What is AUDISM?
Marie Jean Philip was a strong advocate for deaf people not only in her home state of Massachusetts; but also:
What are the 5 Parameters (rules) to produce accurate signs?
1. Handshape, 2. Location, 3. Palm orientation, 4. Movement, 5. non-manual markers
Who's signature is on the diploma when students graduate from Gallaudet University?
The President of the United States.
Examples of Non-Manual Markers?
Sign some examples.
head nod/shake
body shift
eye gaze
facial features: "OO" "CHA" cheek to shoulder (near) far (open mouth reach)
Do members of the Deaf Community consider themselves "disabled"?
No, they do not consider themselves disabled. They only have a LANGUAGE BARRIER.
Who was Douglas Tilden? What was his famous work on the campus of California University?
Deaf Artist that did many Sculptures: The Bear Hunt, the Mechanics, The football players...
How is Spatial Agreement used?
Use the pronouns (HE/SHE/ME) and show the agreement verb (TELL, SHOW, GIVE, PUT)moving to or from the person.
Ex: I tell you, She threw to me,
Which sign do you use as the “opener” to direct the listener’s attention to the location of the person whom you are signing about?
How are Possessive Adjectives signed in ASL?
Open "B" handshape. Palm oriented to the person.
"MY" book.
"THEIR" Mother.
What is a “rite of passage” into the Deaf World. (one form of acceptance)
When you are given a "Sign Name."
Regina Olsen-Hughes was known as the most renowned Deaf scientific ___________.
Artist of botanical plants (flowers)
How do you sign a contrastive sentence structure? Sign an example in a sentence.
Slight shifting of the body from one side to the other
NOT their hands.
When describing someone who you and your listener can both see- what order do you use to indicate who you are speaking about?
1. Gender, 2. describe (clothing, hair, glasses) 3. point and glance at them
How would you make your workplace or home deaf friendly?
Add more lighting/windows, add flashing lights, use technology (doorbells/videophones) open up spaces, have direct sight lines to other areas of the house.
What is Clayton Valli’s best known work of poetry?
What three things are required to sign WH-Questions?
Sign an example of a WH-Question.
A WH-sign (who, what, where, when, how etc.)
eyebrows lowered
Lean forward slightly
hold the last sign (WH-sign)
Why/How are Ordinal Numbers used in ASL?
Sign an example.
To place objects in an order
1st floor, 5th door on right, 3rd desk on left
What is the best response in ASL to a Yes/No Question?
Reply to the Y/N-question: Are you hearing?
A full response. Beginning with answering the question and then either repeating the question part of the sentence and/or giving an explanation. DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS.