In ASL, this usually gives inflection or demonstrates the intensity of the signs meaning.
What is an adverb?
Pidgin Signed English
Yesterday, my husband started his new job.
Yesterday, husband my, job new, start.
A child with a disability spends some part of the academic day in the general education classroom.
What is mainstreaming?
Several, many, few, some, and lots are all examples of these.
What are quantifiers?
Any of these three things can change a sign into an adverb.
What is intensity of the sign, facial expressions and/or body language?
Signed Exact English
Where are you and your family going on vacation, next month?
Next month, family your vacation go, where?
A child with a disability is fully in the general education classroom. It may or may not include additional supports or personnel.
What is inclusion?
3 Weeks
Think plurals
An example of a repeated or recurring sign representing "EVERY".
What is weekly, monthly, daily, etc?
American with Disabilities Act
The children were so cute in their school play.
their school play, children cute!
This is considered to be a more restrictive environment on the government's continuum of services for students with disabilities ( in our case, this disability is deafness).
What is a residential deaf school?
CL:5 Bent Claw
An example of a continuous, slightly exaggerated movement that represents "ALL".
Child of Deaf Adult
Please bring these 4 things to class next week: your book, a pencil, paper, and your watch.
next week, class bring 4 things book, pencil, paper, watch your
Many members of the deaf community would consider a residential deaf school to be this on the continuum.
What is a Least Restrictive Environment?
Fred walking across the room.
FS Fred, then CL:V upside down representing both legs moving across
Every Wednesday
Wednesday signed in a continuous downward motion
Least Restrictive Environment
Every Monday night, the Red Hat Ladies meet here.
Monday (signed in continuous downward movement) night, "Hat Red Ladies" here meet
The guidelines from the ADA and IDEA apply to this type of agency.
What is public?
A hippos mouth
What is CL:Y