Words 1
Differences between signs
Animal signs
Holiday signs
ASL History

The sign for sink and stove.

Finger spell both. (S-I-N-K)  (S-T-O-V-E)


The difference between signing school, paper and cheese.

To sign school, clap both of your open hands together twice.

To sign paper, if you are right handed, strike the left palm with the right palm twice. The right hand moves. The left hand doesn't.  

To sign cheese, hold your two hands flat with palms touching each other. Rub the hands together.


The sign for squirrel. 

Take both hands and extend the index and middle fingers, with the fingers bent like two big squirrel teeth. Bump the two hands together


The sign for Thanksgiving.

Make a "Q" with your hand and put it on your chin, then move it done to your chest.


ASL is influenced by what language?

French Sign Language.


The sign for habit.

Cross your wrists and make your hands into fists, then bring your hands down.


The difference between signing mouse and fake.

To sign mouse, use your dominant index finger to flick back and forth across the tip of your nose. 

To sign fake, move your Index finger past your nose once. Your index finger doesn't touch the nose, it just comes close.


The sign for rabbit.

 Make both hands into fists and place them on top of your head, with middle and index fingers extended to make the rabbit ears.


The sign for Christmas.

Form a 'C' with your dominant hand, swoop it down in front of you, then scoop it back up until your dominant forearm is upright and your 'C' hand holds steady.


Who believed that deaf people posed a threat to the social order? 

Alexander Graham Bell.


The sign for OH-I-see.

Hold out a "Y" hand with the hand tilted backward just a bit so that the palm is pointing forward. Move your hand downward, then back up and down again


The difference between signing young and have. 

To do the sign for "young", brush the fingertips of bent "B" hands upward on (or slightly in front of) your chest twice.

Hold "bent" handshapes a few inches out from your upper chest. Move your hands back and touch your chest.  


The sign for turtle.

Cover an "A" hand with a "curved hand." Move the thumb of your "A" hand side to side a couple times as if representing the head of a turtle.


The sign for pilgrim.

Use "P" handshapes to draw a "bib" on your front. Each hand moves to the side and down.


What are the five Parameters of ASL?

handshape, palm orientation, movement, location, facial expressions 


The sign for secretary



The difference between signing church and computer.

When signing church, Tap the thumb of your "C" hand on the back of your fist. "the movement is up and down, not circle "

When signing computer, The dominant "C" hand moves in a circle on the forearm or wrist of the palm-down to the base hand.


The sign for snake.

 Form your hand into a "bent V" handshape. "Slither" your hand forward a few inches similar to the way a snake slithers on the ground.


The sign for Halloween.

Cover your face with both hands palms slightly curved and uncover your face right away.


In deaf culture movement is equivalent to ______.



The sign for Government.

Form a "G hand" and point it at your temple. Draw a circle in the air and end by touching your temple.


The differences between signing better and best.

The sign for "better" starts in front of the mouth (not actually touching) and comes out to the right a bit. The shape changes from a flat hand into a thumbs up.

The sign for best is similar to the sign for better but, it makes a much bigger movement to emphasize the sign and it comes up to your head.


The sign for lion.

The sign for lion is like a lion running its paw through its own mane. Make your hand into a claw shape with your fingers curved and apart. Take your hand, and with the palm down, run it from above the front of your forehead down toward the back of your head.


The sign for Hanukkah.

Start by holding the palms side by side, then as you swing both hands with the sign 4 apart, your fingers spread, looking like the flames on a candle.


When did French sign language come to America?

In the 1800s
