This is the location for the sign BATH.
What is the chest?
This is the CL you would use to place a BED in your signing space.
What is an open B handshape?
This is the handshape for the dominant hand in the idiom TAKE ADVANTAGE OF.
What is a 25 hand?
He is a famous Deaf artist, poet, and storyteller.
Who is Chuck Baird?
It includes subject, verb, and object in one sign. (It shows who did what to whom.)
What is a directional verb?
This is the location for the sign GRASS or LAWN.
What is the chin?
This is the handshape for the sign RADIO.
What is CLAW 5 or CLAW 3?
This is the sign you would use to say NATURALLY!
What is OF COURSE?
This is defined as a collection of common experiences that Deaf people share.
What is the Deaf Experience?
This is the handshape for a pronoun.
What is a 1 hand?
This is the dominant handshape for the sign TO GET UP (out of bed).
What is Bent V?
This is the first thing you do when describing a bedroom in ASL.
What is sign DOOR and describe the shape of the room?
This is the idiom you would use when you are interested in something like a school subject or a hobby.
What is INTO or DIVE IN?
This is the biggest difference between ASL and English storytelling.
What is medium? (one is spoken, one is signed)
This is the facial expression for something that is a moderate distance away.
What is duck lips or pursed lips?
This is the meaning for the sign FOR FOR.
What is WHAT FOR or WHY?
This is the CL you would use to place a window in your signing space.
What is L hands showing a box shape?
These are the handshapes for the idiom "Beat Around the Bush."
What are Bent V and 1?
This is the reason stories from other countries are not often recognized.
What is culturally based or culturally specific?
These are at least two directional verbs.
help, show, give, move, deceive, tell, force
These are other meanings for the sign 'DO DO.'
This is the CL handshape and palm orientation used to describe an animal moving.
What is Bent V and palm down?
This is what you'd sign to express being stricken with an illness or when something sudden or unexpected happens.
What is POW!
These are types of ASL stories. (name at least two)
This is when we put a number and a sign together into one sign such as "3 days."
What is number incorporation?