How does one show respect in Sign Language?
Appropriate facial expressions
What are PASS Standards?
Politically active
Used for Deaf
Uses signs to help tell a story
ASL Poetry
Which way do the numbers 1-5 face?
Towards the signer
What turns a sign into a person?
An agent marker
What needs to match the gender of the individuals that are being talked about?
ASL Pronouns
How are gender signs signed?
Female- bottom of face
Male- top of face
Uses Classifiers to tell a story
Classifier story
In what situation would all of the numbers face out?
When signing a string of numbers (like a phone number)
How many times do nouns move?
ASL is what type of language?
Living Language
What is deaf?
A medical condition (pathological)
Tells a story entirely with one handshape
Handshape Rhyme
Which numbers can be incorporated into the sign?
Tells a true story, usually about someone's experiences as a Deaf person
What are some things that fall under the Rule of 9?
hours, months, years, minutes, weeks
How many types of ASL Literature types are there?
Tells a story going from A-Z or Z-A
ABC story
For what numbers do you sign the number then the sign?
10 and up
How do verbs move?
Continous motion
What sign is the exemption from the counting rules?
What is a living language?
A language that evolves over time
Tells a story with numbers starting at 1 and going up
Number story
How are tenses signed?
Far behind- distant past
next to face- recent past
directly in front- Present
Slightly in front- recent future
Far in front- Distant future