Which parameter does the L stand for?
Give an example for this parameter.
Explain the facial expression difference between Yes/No and WH questions.
Yes/No Questions - eyebrows are up
WH Questions - eyebrows are down
Which hand do you use when you sign a one-handed sign?
dominant hand
ASL is the __________most commonly used language in the U.S.
a. fourth
b. third
c. second
agent marker
Which parameter does the M stand for?
Give an example for this parameter.
What is another name for the 'main idea'?
Sign 4 examples of one-handed signs
answers will vary
What was the name of the first school for the Deaf?
American School for the Deaf
(first called American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb)
Compound Signs: define and give an example
What are two separate signs combined for an additional meaning? examples: mother+father=parents; home+work=homework
Which parameter does the H stand for?
Give an example for this parameter.
What does the + symbol represent?
Sign 4 examples of two-handed symmetrical signs.
Answers will vary
When was Gallaudet University founded?
April 8, 1864
Gender Distinction in ASL
Which parameter does the O stand for?
Give an example for this parameter.
Orientation (of palm)
How do you write the compound in ASL Gloss... give an example.
Answers will vary.
Sign 4 examples of two-handed non-symmetrical signs.
Answers will vary.
When people around the world begin to REALLY hear about Gallaudet University and its purpose
What was the Deaf President Now protest?
What is adding a fingerspelled letter as part of a particular root sign?
Which parameter does the E stand for?
Give an example for this parameter.
Explain the Rule of 9 and give an example of when you use it.
It means that a number - only up to 9 - is incorporated with a regular sign.
Some examples:
age numbers
Tell 4 times that you use fingerspelling.
Names - First & Last
Proper Nouns (restaurants, stores)
Technical Terms
When did Congress pass the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
What is 1990?
What is a handshape that reflects particular characteristics?