Give an example of getting attention in a room filled with people
Flash Lights
Tap on shoulder of the people around you and direct them to the speaker
What is the number 467 in ASl?
Sign number 467.
What is the color black in ASL?
Sign black.
What is sign for Pity in ASL?
Sign Pity.
What are the 3 rules for WH questions??
Furrow Brows
Lean Forward
Hold last sign
It is considered polite to walk or stand in front of a signer while they are conveying information to the class
What is the number 763 in asl?
Sign number 763.
What is the color green in ASL?
Sign Green.
What is the sign for What's Up in ASL?
Sign What's up.
What is the sign for Where in ASL?
Sign Where.
The definition of AUDISM is discrimination or prejudice against individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.
What is the number 111 in ASl?
Sign number 111.
What is the color blue in ASl?
Sign Blue.
What is the sign for How are You in ASL?
What is the sign for When in ASL?
Sign When.
Examples of AUDISM are:
Sign number 25.
What is the color yellow in ASL?
Sign Yellow.
What is the sign for Fine in ASL?
Sign Fine.
What is the sign for Which in ASL?
Sign Which.
While signing to a crowd or an individual, all parties must hold continual eye contact
What is the number 36 in ASl?
Sign number 36.
What is the sign for Colors in ASL?
Sign colors.
What is the sign for Tired in ASL?
Sign Tired.
What are the 3 rules for YES/NO questions?
Brows raised
Lean forward
Hold last sign