What is the sign for dad?
A good general way to sign "dad" or "father" is by placing the tip of the thumb of your "5-hand" on or near your forehead.
Sign the color red
Place your pointer finger on your chin and move it down off of your chin
Use your non-dominant hand (usually left) and raise it so the palm is facing the floor. Then, use your dominant hand (usually right) and cup your hand while resting your right wrist on the bottom of your left wrist.
What is the sign for bike?
Bike (move both hands in a circle in the air, like the pedals moving on a bike)
The words Sunday and awesome have the same sign. What is it?
Sunday/Awesome (place both hands up with the palms facing out and the backs facing you - then move them down)
What is the sign for uncle?
To do the sign for "uncle" hold a "U" hand near the side of your your head.* Twist (or just shake) the "U" hand twice
Sign the color green.
Make a "G" in front of your body and shake it gently.
What is the sign for Monday?
Make an "M" that's facing you, and move it gently in a circle.
What is the sign for home?
What is the sign for bedroom?
Bedroom (1. put both hands together on the side of your cheek, like you are sleeping 2. using both hands, make a "box" in the air - to signify a room)
Top half represents boy signs, and the bottom half represents girl signs
What is the difference between the signs for pink and purple?
Pink (you make a "P" sign and place it on your chin, and then you move it down off of your chin)
Purple (you make a "P" sign in front of you and gently shake it)
What is the difference between the signs for Tuesday and Thursday?
Tuesday (Make a "T" sign that's facing you and gently move it in a circle)
Thursday (Sign a "T" and then an "H")
Sign the following Christmas/Thanksgiving foods:
Mashed potatoes, pie, turkey
Mashed potatoes (1. sign potato - make a fist with your left hand, and with your right hand place your pointer and middle fingers on the top of your left fist 2. make a "mashing motion" with both hands)
Pie (use your dominant hand to draw a "pie cutting design" in the air, using 3 lines that cross
Turkey: (make a "Q" and place it below your chin)
What is the sign for Thanksgiving and Christmas?
Thanksgiving (sign "thanks" with both hands and extend your hands out)
Christmas (place your left arm out with the palm facing down and place your right arm on top with your right hand at your left elbow - make a "C" with your right hand and raise it up until the "C" is facing up)
Sign the following sentence: My cousin's name is ____.
*My (palm of hand on chest)
*Cousin (make a "C" on the side of your head and move in a small, circular motion)
*Name (2 "U" signs making an X)
Sign the following sentence:
My favorite color is yellow.
My (place palm on your chest)
Favorite (place middle finger on your chin)
Color (wiggle your fingers at your chin)
Yellow (make a "Y" in front of you and gently shake it)
Sign the following sentence:
You have 5 years.
You (point at person)
Have (point 4 fingers at your chest)
Years (make a fist with both hands, and place your dominant hand on top - then move the top one in a circle and replace on the top of the other hand)
Sign the follow sentence:
My teacher has a motorcycle.
My (place palm on chest)
Teacher (touch your fingers to your thumbs on both hands and place them at your temple - move them out slightly and then down in a straight line)
Has (touch your 4 fingers on both hands to your chest)
Motorcycle (make a fist with both hands with the tops facing up and move your dominant hand back a few times - like revving an engine)
Sign the following sentence:
I feel good.
I (point finger towards your chest)
Feel (Place middle finger on your chest and move it up slightly and quickly towards your chin)
Good (place your left hand in the air with the palm facing up, and place the palm of your right hand on your chin and move the hand into the palm of your left hand)
Sign the following sentence:
I have 1 brother and 2 sisters.
*I (point to your chest)
*Have (point your 4 fingers at your chest)
*Brother (sign boy, and with your left hand make a fist with your index finger pointing out, and then make the same shape with your right hand and place it on top of the left hand)
*Sisters (sign girl, and with your left hand make a fist with your index finger pointing out, and then make the same shape with your right hand and place it on top of the left hand)
Sign the following sentence:
Your house is gray.
Your (place palm facing out towards person you are talking to)
House (use both hands and draw the outline of a house in the air)
Gray (move your fingers back and forth between each other)
Sign the following phrases:
8 hours, 6 minutes, 3 days
8 (middle finger touching your thumb on dominant hand)
Hours (use non-dominant hand to make a flat hand with finger tips pointing up, and use your dominant hand to point your middle finger up and face it towards you. Then, move your dominant hand with the finger pointed up in a circle touching your left hand)
6 (pinky touching the thumb)
Minutes (on both hands point your pointer finger up, and then place the left finger under the right hand, and move the right finger to the right)
3 (put your thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger all up at the same time)
Days (place your left arm with the palm facing down, and then with your right hand, put your pointer finger up. Place your right elbow on the top of your left hand and move your right arm down to your left elbow.
Sign the following sentence:
My mom needs to go to the bathroom.
My (place palm on chest)
Mom (place your thumb on your chin with the other fingers pointers up)
Needs (make an "X" with your dominant hand and move it up and down 2 times)
Go (place your pointer fingers up on both hands and move them forward slightly)
Bathroom (make a "T" with your dominant hand and shake it slightly)
Sign the following sentence:
Her favorite class is Spanish.
Her (place an open palm towards the person you are talking about)
Favorite (place your middle finger of your dominant hand on your chin)
Class (make a "C" with both hands and move them both in a half circle, touching at both ends)
Spanish (make an "X" with both hands and place your dominant hand on your shoulder - with the other hand place the "X" facing up - and move the hand on your shoulder to the other "X")