using the same hand shape, where is location for the sign fine, mom and dad
fine, mom, dad "5 fingers" thumb to chest, chin, forehead
what is the movement for continue
what is the NMM for interesting
Are there multiple acceptable sign selections/productions for Catholic
what is the hand shape and palm orientation for maybe
what is the NMM for what or huh?
what, huh
Are there multiple acceptable sign selections/productions for culture
culture: initialized and non-initialized
what is the hand shape and orientation for can
What is the location for the sign Spanish
"Spanish" from dominant shoulder vs. across the body shoulder
What is the movement for question myself and ask a question
question myself and ask a question
What is the NMM for, please demonstrate for the words know and don't know
know vs don't know
Are there multiple acceptable sign selections/productions for campus
What is the classifier for bible
bible classifier is book, set up with Jesus
what is the location for campus
CAMPUS: small area vs large area
Is there one correct movement for the word general?
General: allow or open minded
What is the NMM for phenominal
Are there multiple acceptable sign selections/productions for image
image: picture/photo vs. imagine/vision
What is the sign selection and production for the word Colonized