What are waffles or pancakes?
Common lunch to take to work/school
What is a sandwich?
Sirloin, Rib Eye, T-bone...
What is steak?
Yellow and needs to be peeled before eaten.
grows on a "cobb."
What is corn?
Typically served in a bowl with milk.
What is Cereal?
Most popular side for a hamburger (especially McD's)
What are French Fries?
These critters lay eggs that we eat too.
What are chicken?
orange and peeled before eaten.
What are oranges?
"Boil 'em, Mash 'em, Stick 'em in a stew..."
What are potatoes?
Light fluffy pastry that can be topped with a variety of glazes and/or sprinkles.
What are donuts?
They fall apart all the time, but we still love them.
What are tacos?
Lives in the water, has fins, there's like, a million different species of these...
What are fish?
a fruit that is collected in bunches and typically red, purple, or green.
What are grapes?
Makes you cry
What is an onion?
I can sizzle, I am most often served with eggs, some people prefer the turkey version of me.
What is Bacon?
A Krabby Patty is this type of food.
What is a hamburger?
Popular cuisine from Japan
What is sushi?
a tropical fruit that is a bit spikey, with a yellow body and green top.
What are pineapples?
a green, stringy veggie that's a popular side dish
a drink typically blended with fruit, sometimes greens and veggies are added.
What is a smoothie?
Eat it by the slice
What is pizza?
Spaghetti, Alfredo, Lasagna...
What is pasta?
blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries...
What are Berries?
Bugs Bunny eats these.
What are carrots?