How do you sign 'y'?
Extend your pinky and thumb away from the rest of your dominant hand.
How are you?
How do you sign '3'?
Wrist facing towards you. Pointer finger, middle finger and thumb are extended
Answer the question: What is your name?
*Fingerspell name*
Keeping your fingers extended and spread out, simply touch your chin with the thumb of your hand twice.
How do you sign 's'?
Make a fist with your dominant hand. Thumb in front
What's your name?
Wrist facing towards you. Palm opened.
Answer the question: Are you Deaf?
No- take your index finger together with your middle finger and tap them together with your thumb.
Yes- take your hand and make it into a fist, holding it at about shoulder height, then make your fist bob back and forth
How to you sign 'X'
Make a hook handshape with your pointer finger using your dominant hand.
Nice to meet you
How do you sign '6'?
Wrist outwards. Modified '5' handshape with pinky and thumb touching.
You need to know the current time, you ask _____
Made by touching your forehead with the thumb of your dominant hand, (the same as when signing "father"). The hand should be open. Now, move your hand forward in two small arches.
Fingerspell: Tiger
Where are you from?
How do you sign '8'?
Wrist outwards. Modified '5' handshape with middle finger and thumb touching.
Sign: Where is the restroom?
Step- using a bend 'L' hand shape, face your palm down and then flip your hand so your palm is facing upwards.
Father- make the number '5', extending and spreading out the five fingers on your dominant hand. Then tap the thumb end of your '5' hand on your forehead.
Fingerspell: Bishop Dunne
What's up?
A modified "5" handshape on each hand with the middle finger is bent forward from the large knuckle. The fingertips of the middle-fingers are placed on or near the chest and then the hands are flipped so that the middle fingers are pointing upward and the palms are facing up.
How do you sign '10'?
Make the 'thumbs up' hand gesture and shake your hand.
Answer the question: Where are you from?
Texas- do an "X" hand on your dominant hand and move it to the right (if you are right handed, or left if you are left handed) and down. It is sort of like drawing a "7" in the air using an "X" hand.
Half: Show a "1" then drop your hand down about 3 inches as you quickly change the "1" into a "2." The palm is palm back
Sister: extend your thumb and index fingers on both hands, like forming a horizontal 'L' sign. Take your dominant hand, and starting with your thumb under your jaw, move and tap it down on top of your non-dominant hand.