How do you sign "who?"
Thumb to chin, pointer finger shaking
Spell "blue"
B (flat hand and tucked thumb) L (thumb and pointer finger in L shape) U (two fingers pointing up) E (thumb tucked, other fingers bent at the middle joint)
How do you sign "football"?
both hands, five fingers coming together
How do you sign "seasons"
Sign for the number 4 with dominant index finger makes circular motion around the 4
How do you sign "10"
Thumb up rocking side to side
How do you sign "where"?
Dominant pointer finger shakes back and forth in front of body
How do you sign "grey"?
Both hands with the number 4 move back in forth between fingers
Spell "running"
R (ring finger crossed over pointer) U (two fingers pointed up) N (ring finger and pointer over thumb) N (ring finger and pointer over thumb) I (pinkie finger up) N (ring finger and pointer over thumb) G (pointer and thumb out)
How do you sign "winter"?
Two fists adjacent to shoulders shaking to signify "cold"
How do you sign 21?
Make an L shape with thumb and pointer and bend thumb
Spell "what?"
W (thumb and pinkie touching) H (two fingers to the side) A (fist, no thumb) T (thumb tucked between pointer finger and middle finger)
How do you sign "red"?
Pointer finger to chin, pull down into an "X" shape
How do you sign "volleyball"?
Two hands up in a triangle, flicking pointer finger
How do you sign "summer"?
Pointer finger moves back across your forehead and bends into an "X" shape at the end
How do you sign 17?
The number sign for 7 shaken out twice
how do you sign "when"?
Pointer finger of dominant hand circles pointer finger of non-dominant hand to signify a clock
How do you sign "green"?
"G" handshake o side of body shaken out twice
How do you sign "Swimming"?
Two hands closed/scrunched together motioning out
Spell "fall"
F (pointer and thumb touching other fingers stay up) A (fist no thumb) L (pointer finger up, thumb out to make an L shape) L (pointer finger up, thumb out to make an L shape)
How do you sign 13?
Two fingers: pointer and middle beckon forward, thumb out to the side does not move
How do you sign "why"?
Four fingers to your temple, pull down and form handshake of "Y"
How do you sign "pink"
Hold "P" handshake to chin, and pull down
How do you sign "baseball"?
two fists stacked on top of each other, swinging out like swinging a bat
How do you sign "Spring"?
Dominant hand moves through non dominant hand and opens to signify a flower blooming
How do you sign 25?
Five fingers up, the middle finger wags up and down