
Sign is made by snapping your fingers in neutral space.

What is dog?


Sign is made by rubbing both pointer fingers together.

What is socks?


Sign is made by using two hands in a "B" handshape. Fingertips together in neutral space before moving downwards in a diagonal movement before sliding downwards. 

What is house?


Sign is made by making an "S" handshape in neutral space before moving downwards?

What is South?


Sign is made by making a "W" handshape that start at the dominant shoulder before rotating away from the shoulder three times.

What is Washington?

Sign is made by using the dominant hand in a "B" handshape, flowing from the nose downwards into neutral space.

What is elephant?


Sign is made by using an"F" handshape to tug on the collar of this item of clothing.

What is shirt?


Sign is made by using a "5" handshape, thumb touching the chin before sliding across the chin from left to right or right to left.

What is farm?


Sign is made by the dominant hands middle finger rotating and tapping down into the non-dominant hand. The dominant hand then become an "E" handshape before moving away from the body. 

What is Middle East?


Sign is made by the dominant hand being an "O" handshape in neutral space before moving in a circular motion. 

What is Oregon?


Sign is made by using an "F" handshape on the sides of the mouth moving outwards away from the face.

What is cat?


Sign is made by using two hands in an "S" handshape. Both hands tap together (thumb to thumb) before the dominant hand moves to the crease of the non-dominant arm. 

What is boots?


Sign is made by using both hands in an open faced "B" handshape, non-dominant hand in front with dominant hand in the back. The dominant hand moves left to right. 

What is trailer?


Sign is made by middle finger on dominant rotating before tapping onto the non-dominant hand. Dominant hand then becomes a "W" handshape that touches the dominant shoulder before moves outwards while the hand rotates three times.

What is central Washington?


Sign is made by using a "P" handshape located in front of the forehead. Hand moves up and down without touching the forehead.

What is Poulsbo?


Sign is made by using the both hands in a
"5" handshape, dominant hand on top of the non-dominant hand in neutral space. The fingers wiggle up and down and the hands move away from the body.

What is spider?


Sign is made by making an "F" handshape  on the non-dominant wrist. 

What is wristwatch?


Sign is made my "checking the pulse" with two fingers before moving the dominant hand to the side of the head. The dominant hand becomes an "O" handshape and taps the chin before sliding backwards to tap in the general area of the ear. 

What is nursing home?


Sign is made by the pointer finger on the dominant hand being stretched outwards. The mouth open to show the non-manual morphemes of this sign.

What is very far?


Sign is made by using a "K" handshape, dominant arm crosses the body to the non-dominant shoulder before moving across the body to the dominant side hip.

What is Kingston?


Sign is made by hopping in place?

What is kangaroo?


Sign is made by shrugging on an item of clothing over the shoulders before the dominant hand changes shape and becomes an "h". The dominant hand then moves to the top to the chest before arching downwards towards the stomach.

What is suit?


Sign is made by using a "D" handshape on the side of the face. The hand starts at the chin before moving backwards to the ear. 

What is dorm?


Sign is made by making an "S" handshape that moves in a downward motion before the dominant hand becomes an "F" handshape in neutral space that flicks outwards.

What is Southern France?


Sign is made by the dominant hand being a "B handshape that taps on the side of the forehead.

What is Bremerton?
