How do you sign stadium?
bent 5s come back and up
Whats the handshape for shopping?
flat o
sign "I love my church"
Church: c on top of non dom hand
How do you get to the closest bathroom from Ms. Walker's room?
Take a left out the door keep walking down the hallway then take a right and it will be on the right.
How are the signs family and agency different?
Whats the sign for intersection?
Two ones making an x and tapping each other.
What is the movement of the sign library?
L in moving in a circle.
Sign "I went to the grocery store to get carrots"
grocery store: sign food then store, flat os
carrots: dom hand by mouth like your breaking a carrot.
How do you sign "the library is on the left of the police station"
library: circling o f L
left: L going to the left
police: c on heart
station: house
What hand do you use to sign "left" and "right"
What is the sign for park in asl?
fingerspell P A R K
what is the NMS for scared?
scared face (mouth and eyes wide open), leaning back
sign "My college has 3 dorm rooms buildings"
college: circle movement of closed 5 going upward
dorm: home with a d
Sign "The hospital is through the intersection"
handshape h makes a cross in your arm for hospital
intersection, two ones tapping each other to make an x
What are two vocabulary words from unit 3 that you have to fingerspell?
park, bank, cafe, zoo, aquarium, pool, etc.
How do you sign clinic in asl?
Your dom hand should be in a c and make a cross on your arm just like hospital
What is the palm orientation for farm?
sign "how many states are in the country?"
how many: hands in a ball open to 5's
states: non dom closed 5 while dom circles around it in a fist
country: dom hand in y handshape hitting the elbow oof non dom hand which should be bent.
How do you get to the cafeteria from Ms. Walker's room?
take a left out the door walk down the hallway take a right then take another left down the main hallway andkeep waking till your there
Whats the difference between the signs what and here?
What's the sign for pet grooming?
grooming: v handshape shaking don from the chest to the hips
What is the location of the sign city?
mid-chest moving right to left.
Sign "My grandma came to visit from a different country"
Grandma: sign mom then out again
visit: bent v moving around
country: bent non dom arm, dom hand in a y brushing the elbow of non dom
How do you get to the baseball field from Ms. Walker's room?
Take a left out the door walk down the hallway take a right keep walking ill you get to the main hallway then take another left walk down and out the front doors walk up the career center lot keep going straight then you will be there.
What vocab words do you have to mouth morpheme?
Near and far