"Sea Turtle"
hands open, stacked, thumbs moving
flat hand, fingers facing you.
"1" finger, pointed towards lips, moves down
Open "B" (both hands), Finger tips touching, move left to right
one finger, hook tapping
open hands on sides of head
depends, multiple ways
sideways "S", and squeeze
FS, then sign "Here"
Bent "V" - HS
wiggling out (forward) - Mov
side of face
(both hands) "M" sign, start off touching, separate, and down
two flat hand with one moving back and forth
close hand under chin, 2 fingers out
finger on cheek, turn it.
"like", with full hand
"Fire Department"
"K" flipping on your non-dominant hand
"I love you" thumb in, Moving + Jumping
"c" signifier, building up
Same as red but with "P" sign
"Flower shop"
sign "flower" (dominant hand, closed "O", touch both sides of nose), then sign "store" (both hands, closed "O", shake is out)
Pretend to sweep