This cool sign is for when someone will not shut up.
What is the sign for motormouth?
What is the sign for shy?
A device that listen and can see things in another room.
What is a baby monitor.
This assistive technology is used for when a person can hear, but has a difficult time speaking.
What is hearing carryover?
these assistive technology caption the movie by being in a cup holder.
What is rear window captioning?
It is a cool emotion one uses to call someone else stuck up
what is the sign for snob?
What is the sing for happy?
This device is used for alerting with lights flashing when someone wants to go in a house.
What is a light doorbell?
This assistive technology is used for when one can talk for themselves, but has a difficult time hearing.
What is voice carryover?
These assistive technologies are used and show every single sound.
What is captions?
It was a fun sign for when someone is baffled by something another said
What is the sign for puzzled
This emotion is for when a person did not get enough sleep and will probably be______.
What is the sign for tired?
A device used to wake a person who might struggle to wake up in the morning.
What is a shake awake?
This assistive technology is used when 2 people are in a room and one is not.
What is VRI?
This term for assistive technology means for all.
What is universal design?
This awesome sign is used when one is constantly worried and thinking something bad will happen to them.
What is the sign for paranoid?
One typically get called ______ when they talk about someone behind their back.
What is the sign for mean?
this alerting device is not exactly a device, but can wake up a human and sense things happening.
What is a service dog?
This assistive technology was the first time real communication over the phone without relaying on someone else.
What is a TTY?
These assistive technology captions are always on.
What is open caption?
This fun sign is used when someone is being a hypochondriac and does this
What is the sing for freak out?
This basic sign resembles a donkey in a way.
What is the sign for stubborn?
A device that are used to amplify sound.
What is a hearing aid?
This technology is important for deaf to hearing person without another and no interpreting.
What is TRS?
The year the first captioned commercial aired was in this year.
What is 1980?