What is the sign for "red"?
D handshape and pull down your lips
How do you sign "I"?
Point to yourself
What sport did we talk about that has sign language in it?
What is the sign for "cat"?
Pull a G handshape out from your cheek like whiskers
What is the sign for "spaghetti"?
Put your pinky and pointer finger up on both hands and then twist them together and pull away
What is the sign for "blue"?
B handshape and shake it
Name something rude to do in Deaf culture.
Look away when they're signing to you, multi-task during a conversation, throw things at them, talk infront of them instead of signing...
What is the sign for "dog"?
Pat your leg and snap your fingers
What is the sign for "tree"?
Put your arm across your body and then the other arm stands up forming a tree shape
What is the sign for "white"?
Pull out from your chest with whole hand
How do you sign "America"?
How do Deaf people 'hear' their alarm in the morning?
It's a vibrating machine that they use to wake them up
What is the sign for "llama"?
Put your ring and middle finger down and form a llama with your hand
What is the sign for "fingerspell"?
With one hand, type across the air in front of you
What is the sign for "colors"?
Put your fingers on your chin and tap them all
How do you sign "and"?
Grab the air in front of you while pulling across
Over half of the Deaf population in the United States is over what age?
What is the sign for "goat"?
Squish a 'V' handshape and put it on your chin then your forehead
What does your facial expression need to look like while you're signing "need"?
Open your mouth slightly while showing teeth
What is the sign for "teal"?
You have to sign green and blue and then fingerspell "T-E-A-L"
Pull your hands apart while they are in fists and you shake your head "no"
Deaf drivers have shown to be better drivers than who?
Hearing drivers
What is the sign for "horse"?
Take a 3 handshape and put it on the side of your head while pushing your fingers forward
What is an iconic sign?
A sign that represents the thing you are signing