
What is the sign for shirt?

Pinch fingers together on your shirt

What is the sign for cook?

Put right hand on top of left and flip the right hand back and forth (like you're flipping a pancake)


What is the sign for school?

Clap your hands together near the back of your left palm.

What is the sign for food?



What is the sign for homework?



What is the sign for shorts?

Place hand above the knee to signal short


What is the sign for game?

Put two thumbs up and hit your fits together at your fingers


What is the sign for store?


What is the sign for cherry?

Put your pinky finger out and twist the top of your pinky finger.


What is the sign for motorcycle? 

Both fists with the tops of them facing up and twist the right fist back a little (like you're revving the engine)


What is the sign for a "busy" shirt, or a shirt with a lot of patterns/colors?

Move hands all around your shirt


What are the signs for party and play?

Party: Make a "P" with both hands and move them back and forth
Play: Sign "Y" with both hands and shake around.


What are the signs for doctor and hospital?

Doctor: Place 4 fingers at your wrist

Hospital: Take pointer and middle fingers on your dominant hand and draw an "H" on your shoulder


What are the signs for pasta and chicken?

Pasta: twirl your pinkies in a circle
Chicken: make a beak with your fingers, and then "peck" your hand


What are the signs for pop and iced?

Pop: make a fist with non-dominant hand, stick middle finger in your fist and pop out. Place flat hand on fist
Cold: place both hands out with palms facing down, and move fingers back


Sign the following sentence: My hat is blue.

My: Hand flat on chest
Hat: Tap hand on head
Blue: Sign for "B" and wiggle it in the air


Sign the following sentence: She wants to go shopping.

She: point to person
Want: pull both hands towards yourself
Go: point to direction you are going
Shopping: same sign as store


Sign the following sentence: I went home.

I: Point to yourself
Went: Point both fingers in the direction you are going
Home: Put fingers at your chin and move back towards your ear


Sign the following sentence: My dad likes to eat soup.

My: open palm on your chest
Dad: Thumb at forehead and move down to chest
Likes: Pull thumb and middle finger together at your chest
Eat: sign eat
Soup: use pointer and middle finger to signal eat


Sign the following sentence: My brother has purple hair.

My: palm open on your chest
Brother: sign "boy" and place fists on top of each other with pointer fingers sticking out
Has: fingers together and touching the tips to your chest
Purple: Sign "P" and wiggle back and forth
Hair: touch hair


Sign the following sentence: Her favorite stripes has stripes.

Her: Open palm towards who you're talking to
Favorite: Tap middle finger on chin
Sweater: Pull both fists down on your body (like you're pulling on a sweatshirt)
Stripes: Run 4 fingers across your body in the direction of the stripes


Sign the following sentence: He doesn't like to buy candy.

He: point to person
Doesn't Like: sign "like" and throw the sign away
Buy: pretend like you are giving someone money
Candy: Point your pointer finger at your cheek and twist it around


Sign the following sentence: I want to go to my favorite restaurant.

I: point to your
Want: pull your hands towards yourself
Go: point both fingers in direction you are going
My: hand open on your chest
Favorite: middle finger on your chin
Restaurant: make an "R" and move the "R" on both sides of your mouth


Sign the following sentence: For dinner, I want a big turkey sandwich

For: Twist pointer finger at forehead
Dinner: Sign "D" at your mouth
I: point to yourself
Want: pull hands towards yourself
Big: sign big
Turkey: Make a "G" under your chin
Sandwich: Fold hands under each other and pretend to eat the sandwich


Sign the following sentence: Do you like drinking milk for breakfast?

You: point to person
Like: thumb and pointer finger together pulling out from your chest
Drinking: Make a "C" with your hand and pretend to drink
Milk: squeeze fist together
For: twist pointer finger at your forehead
Breakfast: sign "morning" and then "eat"
