At the second International Congress on Education of the Deaf in 1880, those present elected to outlaw this in an educational setting.
What is sign language?
Sign "6 cents".
Sign 6 from cent spot
5 and shake hand
Sign: "Job search"
Job (*JB*), C around face for search
Many responses: Doctor, nurse, custodian, etc.
The 21st International Congress on Education of the Deaf in Vancouver overturned the resolutions of this conference.
What is the Milan Conference?
Sign the word that means the opposite of rich.
Sign either 'poor' or 'broke'
Eleven and dollar sign
Sign one thing you need in order to get a job.
Many answers: Resume, experience, application, references, etc.
Sign an occupation found in a restaurant.
Many responses: Chef, waiter/server, etc.
This educational approach incorporates all modalities of communication, including signing, speech, lip reading, gesture, etc. It commonly involves SimCom.
What is Total Communication (TC)?
Sign something that you must pay for once a month.
62, dollar sign, 30 (don't do cent sign)
Sign: "Do you have an internship next year?"
Next year, internship you have you?
Sign an occupation found in a school.
Many responses: Superintendent, secretary/administrative assistant, custodian, nurse, advisor, etc.
Today, the majority of deaf students attend this type of school.
What is public school?
Sign "My grandpa gifts me money"
Money my grandpa gifts me (gift sign toward self)
5 hundred (C or bent index), 52, dollar sign, 12 (no cent sign)
Sign: "Do you work full time or part time?"
Full time (FT or full+time), part time (PT or part+time), you work which?
Sign an occupation that deals with emergencies.
Many responses: Police, firefighter, EMT, doctor, etc.
This law requires that states provide “free and appropriate education” to all students with disabilities in the “least restrictive environment”. Following the passing of this law, residential schools experienced a dramatic drop in enrollment rates.
What is The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?
Sign "I love sales. Why? Because I am broke!"
Sales I love. Why? *eyebrows raised* Broke I am.
1 thousand, 2 hundred (C or bent index), 31, dollar sign, 20 (no cent sign)
Sign: "I'm nervous for my interview. Why? My resume is bad!"
Sign an occupation that deals with vehicles.
Many responses: Mechanic, pilot, EMT, etc.