Who was the president that called for more foreign language instruction in 2006?
George W Bush
What is ASLPI?
American Sign Language Proficiency Interview
What is CV?
Curriculum Vitae
National Association for the Deaf
What do you call two latino deaf guys performing in dresses?
Deafies in Drag
An over-reliance on structure, perhaps through endless mechanical drills is known as
boredom factor
Where is ASLPI located at?
Gallaudet University
What is APA?
American Psychological Association
Who found that ASL is a language?
William Stokoe
Who is this?
Alex Abenchuchan
A typical year of college language instruction is
three to five hours a week, 180 hours a year plus homework.
What is ACTFL?
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
What is a hierarchical ordering of cognitive skills that can, among countless other uses, help teachers teach and students learn?
Bloom's Taxonomy
What are the parameters in ASL?
What is her name character in Grey's Anatomy?
Dr Riley
In conjunction with aptitude, foreign language mastery also is enhanced
a student is sufficiently motivated to learn a language, for example, to gain employment, travel, or integrate into a community.
What is ASLTA?
American Sign Language Teachers Association
What is is a written compilation of your education, work experience, credentials, and accomplishments?
What is TWA?
True+Way ASL - A digital curriculum
Who is she?
Millicent Simmonds
the precise impact of a student’s foreign language aptitude is affected by three important variables
1) age
2) type of exposure to the language
3) linguistic distance or the degree of difference between the native and the foreign language.
What is TExES?
Texas Educator Certification Examination Program
What topic do you call on your portfolio that relates to officially or semiofficially approved and usually organized student activities?
extracurricular activities
Some ASL were developed 1817? Where and location? from who?
American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut
Laurent Clerc
Who is he? What movie did he play recently?
CJ Jones - Baby Driver