You work all day and you sleep all ___. (Sign it, no voicing)
What is night?
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack ___ over the candlestick!
What is jumped?
This place is filled with books and people who read.
what is a library?
Where is the Eiffel Tower located in?
What is France?
When you achieve something or get an A on the test you feel this.
What is happy?
When you leave someone you say goodbye, what is the sign when you greet someone? (sign it, no voicing)
What is hello?
She is five years old and will be in first grade next year. What grade is she in now?
What is Kindergarten?
Where can I find a sink to wash my hands?
What is the restroom?
Who are the ____ Riders?
What is Oakland?
When you take a nap at 5pm for 3 hours and wake up at 8 you are ____ _____ all night.
What is wide awake?
I don't like broccoli, but I ___ strawberries! (Sign it, no voicing.)
What like?
Dear day in school is when you drop everything and ___.
What is read?
Where did Gallaudet travel to and found out they only teach how to speak to deaf people?
What is England?
What is Fremont?
When you are trying to get out the door fast because you are late you usually are?
what is Rushing or hurrying
Green light means go. Red light means what? (sign the answer)
What is stop?
Every year students spend hours in the counselor's office at the beginning of the semester trying to figure out these.
what is a schedule?
You enter about 9 of these in an average school day.
What is a classroom?
What is a Resting Area/ L-O-B-B-Y
When you arent interested in something you usually ___ ____.
What is don't care?
You should know right from ____. (sign the answer)
what is wrong?
It's hard to ___ ______ to long boring class lectures.
What is paying attention?
You have to use a hall classifier to show where the location of this is on the wall?
What is a water fountain?
Multiple people ask to go here every day, you can get snacks and drink here.
What is the Student Store?
When you don't know something you usually are.
What is confused?