A motion to end discussion.
What is calling the question?
What is the Brown Act?
Voting members.
What are senators and cabinet members?
Number of voting members ASO has.
What is 27?
What does RONR stand for?
What is Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised?
The procedural moves to open discussion.
What is a motion and a second?
Website where all meeting agendas (for ASO and for El Camino in general) will be posted.
What is boarddocs?
Non-voting members who never get a vote.
What are justices?
Procedural rule requiring a minimum number of voting members to conduct business.
What is quorom?
Who is no one?
A motion to change an item under discussion.
What is a motion to amend?
System to request items to appear on the Senate agenda.
What is the Senate Agenda Item Request Form?
Vote cast when a conflict of interest is apparent.
What is abstaining?
The member who may recognize speakers, dictate the flow and order of a meeting, and who decides if a motion is in order or not.
Who is the Chair of the Senate?
Procedural statement when yielding your speaking time to not repeat things already said during discussion.
What is yielding to redundancy?
A procedural move to insert objective, concise information into a discussion.
What is a point of information?
Third item of business on every agenda which is dictated by law.
What is public comment?
Member who may vote to break a tie.
Who is the Chair of the Senate?
The person who may chair Senate in the prolonged absence of the Vice-President.
Who is the Director of Academic Affairs?
A procedural move of last resort to call into the question a decision of the chair.
What is appealing the decision of the chair?
A procedural move to delay a vote until a committee can edit the item under discussion according to the wishes of the Senate.
What is a motion to refer or commit?
Only reason to add items to an agenda during a meeting.
What is an emergency?
Procedural move made when unanimous agreement is apparent.
What is calling consent?
Responsibilities of members (all 4 of them).
What is speaking for or against items
What is asking questions regarding an item
What is remaining civil and following RONR
What is representing your constituents
The two vote thresholds required for a motion to amend a previously passed item when previous notice is not given.
What is 2/3rds majority OR majority of the whole (regardless of members present)?