Actions have ...
First Agreement
Be Honest
What does one mic mean?
Good listening; one speaker; respectful speaking
Second Agreement
Be Responsible
Take care of your...
Third Agreement
Words have...
The most important agreement (and our last agreement)
Have fun!
Can we think of 3 attention getters that Mr.Jacob has used.
Feathers up
Bup, bud da dup bup, bup bup!
One two three eyes on me
show me your mics
if you hear me match me
(extra point if i missed the one you said)
When outside, where do we line up?
Down at the parking lot line (the fourth line)
Who are the other 3 ASP third through fifth grade teachers?
Mr.Parker, Mr.Chris, Mr.Ovi
Who is the teacher at the front gate?
As a community, when the clean up song comes on, what is our job?
Clean up, put up your chairs and line up next to the library.